Philosophy and Methodology

Displaying 2291 - 2300 of 2607
Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Our age is dominated by the state and its errors. The state has given us recession and war, while liberty has given us prosperity and peace. Which of the two paths prevails in the end depends on the ideas we hold about freedom, capitalism, and ourselves. May we never forget the great truth: tyranny destroys, while liberty is the mother of all that is beautiful and true in our world.

Gene Callahan
People with an enormously wide range of political beliefs can get along peacefully, if they simply recognize each individual's right to form, join, and leave civil associations. As long as membership in a civil association is voluntary, writes Gene Callahan, and no group tries to impose its vision of just law on any other, such groups should live in peace with each other. 
Jeffrey A. Tucker

It is slowly dawning on people that to understand George W., one must understand his religious impulses, which all evidence suggests are intensely important to him. His views are no different from that of the typical evangelical who absorbed his faith from the American Baptist culture. But they merit closer attention when they are held by an arrogant man with his finger on the button and who is contemplating total war.