Philosophy and Methodology

Displaying 2301 - 2310 of 2607
Allan Carlson

The fate of families and children in Sweden shows the truth of Ludwig von Mises's observation that "no compromise" is possible between capitalism and socialism, writes Allan Carlson. He shows how the welfare state's growth can be viewed as the transfer of the "dependency" function from families to state employees. The process began in 19th-century Sweden.

Thomas Whiston

Those who claim that government is the source of social order say that in its absence there would be violence, chaos, and a low standard of living. But medieval Iceland illustrates an actual and well-documented historical example of how a stateless legal order can work and it provides insights as to how we might create a more just and efficient society today.

Carmen Pavel

John Rawls's political theory remains a formidable competitor with that proposed by classical liberals and libertarians, writes Carmen Pavel. Because he has shaped the main conversation, true liberals need to take on his powerful legacy if only to better understand and strengthen the positions they are defending.