Mises Wire

Week in Review: September 23, 2017

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Almost a decade later, the Federal Reserve this week announced it will begin reversing quantitative easing. Slowly. Very slowly. The balance sheet currently stands at $4.5 trillion and they will begin allowing $10 billion in assets to roll off their sheets next month. Given the unprecedented nature of QE, even this modest reduction has many market observers on edge. Of course, the fallout from the Fed’s actions are still being felt, while the Trump Treasury is making threats that it would have disastrous consequences if acted on.

On Mises Weekends, Jeff is joined by Dr. Mark Thornton to get his take on the Fed’s actions and what it all means for stock markets, investors, and the US economy. Can quantitative easing, a roundabout form of monetizing debt, actually work? Can monetary policy make us rich? Or are Fed officials just groping in the dark, putting off a day of reckoning?

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And in case you missed them, here are this weeks Mises Wire and FedWatch articles, covering a wide array of topics:

Image Source: Phil Roeder flickr.com/photos/tabor-roeder/
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