Student Loan Forgiveness Treats the Symptom, Not the Disease
President Biden's recent student loan forgiveness initiative only exacerbates the real problem: the cost of a college education, thanks to government intervention, is outrageously high.
President Biden's recent student loan forgiveness initiative only exacerbates the real problem: the cost of a college education, thanks to government intervention, is outrageously high.
In pursuing CO2 reductions like Captain Ahab chased Moby Dick, Western elites are destroying much of the world's agriculture base.
Ryan and Tho talk with author and German native Rosanna Weber about the energy crisis in Germany.
Because government is predatory, it may seem ironic then to use the political system as a means of protecting one's own property, family, and loved ones. But there are times when such a strategy makes sense.
The right of self-determination is the right of the inhabitants of every territory to decide on the state to which they wish to belong.
Because government is predatory, it may seem ironic then to use the political system as a means of protecting one's own property, family, and loved ones. But there are times when such a strategy makes sense.
Monarchs created Europe's modern states but lost the ability to control them. Then, having grown beyond the tools that helped monarchs turn themselves into absolute rulers, "the state acquired a life of its own."
Argentina is synonymous with hyperinflation, but apparently its voters have not had enough.
The radicals are for anything that tends directly or indirectly to get the government into business, for that leads to state ownership of the means of production.
Even as population has grown, increasing the intensive margin for agriculture has led to increased food production. This may not necessarily be a good thing.