Biden’s New Intersectionality: Where Equity Policies Meet Bad Economics
The Biden administration has decided that the REAL problem with housing is that the wrong people are saving money and making timely mortgage payments. They must be punished.
The Biden administration has decided that the REAL problem with housing is that the wrong people are saving money and making timely mortgage payments. They must be punished.
Progressive governments in the name of equity are calling for taxation of capital gains. They really are demanding destruction of capital through capital consumption.
Like so many others in the "national greatness" movement, Christopher Buskirk understands some of the problems the country faces but fails to grasp the solutions.
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan and Tho tackle the debt ceiling debate.
American law protects what is called the "right to strike." However, Leonard Read found no moral code that permits such action.
By any conventional measures of finance, the Federal Reserve has negative equity. In the long run, cooking the books only puts off the day of reckoning.
The most popular measure of economic growth is GDP. However, GDP movement is driven by changes in the money supply, not real economic factors.
The Biden administration has decided that the REAL problem with housing is that the wrong people are saving money and making timely mortgage payments. They must be punished.
Progressive governments in the name of equity are calling for taxation of capital gains. They really are demanding destruction of capital through capital consumption.
In their attempts to remake the economy, progressive elites are pushing ESG. What they forget is that the economy runs on real things, not ideology.