The Fascist Threat
Fascism cartelizes the private sector and denies fundamental rights and liberties to individuals. This describes mainstream politics.
Fascism cartelizes the private sector and denies fundamental rights and liberties to individuals. This describes mainstream politics.
In the 1950s, young libertarians coming into the ranks were increasingly infected with the Cold War mentality. They were converted to militarism instead of laissez-faire.
Libertarians must form and maintain organizations not only to promote their broad principles but to promote these principles in special fields.
The misuse of science occurs when the scientist—who is competent in a special field—seeks to use his status to influence fields where he is not competent.
Berlin's fundamental flaw was his failure to define negative liberty as the absence of physical interference with an individual's person and property.
One of the most blatant examples of this non sequitur occurs in discussions of the "free rider problem" and the alleged solution of government provision of so-called public goods.
During the 1920s, the emerging individualists and libertarians — the Menckens, the Nocks, etc. — were generally considered Men of the Left. This all changed with the New Deal.
For Hayek, "coercion" of course includes the aggressive use of physical violence, but the term unfortunately also includes peaceful and nonaggressive actions as well.
Out of false theories of employment, money, and interest, Keynes has distilled a fantastically wrong theory of capitalism and of a socialist paradise erected out of paper money.
Trade is nothing but the release of what one has in abundance to obtain some other thing one wants.