A Tale of Two Liberties
In colonial America, "liberty" came to mean rights one possessed outside of government approval. In revolutionary France (and in modern Canada) it has come to mean participation in a political system.
In colonial America, "liberty" came to mean rights one possessed outside of government approval. In revolutionary France (and in modern Canada) it has come to mean participation in a political system.
Egalitarian liberals think that basic liberties can be violated in the quest for equality and even that "the natural duty to promote justice straightforwardly implies a duty to establish states."
Governments never have respected rights of free speech. Today, they restrict freedom of speech and of the press and promote falsehoods in the name of "protecting truth."
Totalitarian societies do not become that way overnight. There are recognizable signs and stages which show how a society slides into that abyss.
The Great Reset usually is framed as the reestablishment of democratic social principles. In reality, it's an attempt to do away with the last vestiges of classical liberalism.
Bob Murphy talks inflation and why suddenly everyone is an expert, and then why Jim Rogers says buy a motorcycle and see the world: It's a great way to get an education. Jeff and Peyton Gouzien discuss big questions like liberalism and illiberalism in the twentieth century and David Gordon reviews The Lords of Easy Money, a thoroughgoing critique of the subversive power of the Fed.
The dichotomies of the twentieth century and the turning of the tide toward illiberalness highlight not only a difference in the thinking within the liberty community, but Americans and people in general. We are left with the consequences of this thinking and the beast it created.
While Hilary Putnam was not a friend of free-market economics and remained a socialist throughout his life, he made important contributions to the subject of ethics.
The nonaggression principle and negative freedom are not the same thing. Isaiah Berlin's work shows the key difference between them.