Media and Culture
Secession: The Reasonable Option Everyone Resists
Recorded at the Mises Circle in Houston, Texas, 24 January 2015.
Self Censorship
One by-product of the Paris terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo was an outpouring of support for freedom of speech.
The New Music Marketplace
Some music aficionados are complaining that the market's efforts to better deliver what people want are encouraging "bad music." In truth, music markets are providing more opportunities for the making of new music than ever before.
Connor Boyack: Raising Libertarian Kids
Jeff Deist and Connor Boyak discuss how to raise happy, productive, responsible children who are knowledgeable about liberty, property, economics, and personal finance.
Movie Review: North Korea is a Mildly Unpleasant Place in The Interview
The film’s most redeeming quality can be found in the fact that it makes the US intelligence apparatus look useless and inept.
Financial Markets and Collegiate Sports
Peter Klein discusses the economics of sports business and the role that crony capitalism plays.
Terrorism and Police States in Exodus: Gods and Kings
Ridley Scott's new sword-and-sandal epic Exodus: Gods and Kings is jam-packed with political messages and imagery. Unfortunately, none of it ever gels into an interesting movie involving interesting characters.
A Capitalist Christmas
Christmas is the most pro-capitalist of all holidays because its worldly joys are based on private property, voluntary exchange, and mutual benefit. It's also one of the least political of all major holidays.