A Texas-American War?
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan and Tho look at the growing tensions between the State of Texas and the Biden administration.
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan and Tho look at the growing tensions between the State of Texas and the Biden administration.
Federal spending is not the only out-of-control government spending in the US. A number of states have been overspending and now face declining revenues. Will bankruptcies follow?
The president wants to appear as a “scourge” of the ultrawealthy. But he has only been a scourge of the productive wealthy while remaining a dear ally of unproductive cronies.
Understanding the scientific method is crucial when examining complex phenomena and related hypotheses like “man is the main cause of climate change.” Unfortunately, "political method" has replaced the scientific method.
Javier Milei has begun his presidency by taking action against much of Argentina’s vast welfare state. One hopes it is the beginning to a successful term in office.
President Biden declared in his recent budget speech that his administration was proposing a "fiscally responsible" budget. Welcome to Wonderland.
No, Paul Krugman, the economy is not strong. The Fed and its supporters are in the "move along, there's nothing to see" mode when it comes to our troubled banking system.
The Biden administration’s Middle East policies are going to produce the same kind of blowback that led to the 9/11 attacks. The more reckless Biden becomes, the more American lives are placed at risk.
Fact-checking has become a veritable industry in the media. However, the conclusions of “fact checkers” mysteriously seem to align with the opinions of elites. That’s their story, and political, educational, and social elites are sticking to it.
Social media tends to be blamed for the overall nastiness of public discourse. Instead of condemning this form of communication, condemn the fuel that feeds this conflagration: democracy.