Goods Can Never Be Distributed “Equally” — Especially Not In a Socialist Regime
There is no truly equal way to distribute goods. But capitalism offers a way for more people to benefit from the process of bidding for those goods and services.
There is no truly equal way to distribute goods. But capitalism offers a way for more people to benefit from the process of bidding for those goods and services.
Socialism has long led to pitting one group against another. But many younger taxpayers have yet to see the downside to this.
Jeff Deist and Yuri Maltsev discuss why western progressives, academics, elites, and media won't let go of their socialist project.
Americans must beware of Trojan-horse definitions of freedom — definitions that, once accepted, allow bureaucrats to take over everyone’s life.
The realities of modern Venezuela, combined with the global ambitions of China, could make a deal between the two countries a logical outcome.
Capitalism doesn't have to be implemented in a "pure" form for its benefits to be realized. Meanwhile, socialists must make excuses for repeated failures.
Keynesism—the philosophy of big government spending, deficit financing, and continuous inflation—dominates nearly every government in the world.
We should use this to remember and reflect on the tragic harm done to humanity through the destructive influence of Karl Marx.
Capitalism doesn't have to be implemented in a "pure" form for its benefits to be realized. Meanwhile, socialists must make excuses for repeated failures.
Marx didn’t see that many people were fighting, not for the interests of the proletariat, but for the principles of nationality.