Daniel McCarthy on the Prospects for Fusionism
Daniel McCarthy joins the show to continue last week's discussion of the rapid breakdown of America's political order, with wokeism rising on the Left and Reaganism dying on the Right.
Daniel McCarthy joins the show to continue last week's discussion of the rapid breakdown of America's political order, with wokeism rising on the Left and Reaganism dying on the Right.
US government agencies like the FBI remain incapable of bringing foreign online scammers to justice. Fortunately, in their place, internet “vigilantes” have answered the call to action.
US government agencies like the FBI remain incapable of bringing foreign online scammers to justice. Fortunately, in their place, internet “vigilantes” have answered the call to action.
Murray Rothbard died more than a quarter century before the outbreak of the covid mania and tyranny, but if he were alive today, he wouldn’t be surprised to see that the most common resistance at an institutional level comes from churches.
Murray Rothbard died more than a quarter century before the outbreak of the covid mania and tyranny, but if he were alive today, he wouldn’t be surprised to see that the most common resistance at an institutional level comes from churches.
To adopt monasticism before the international fascism we face today would amount not only to seceding but also to ceding everything worth saving to the monsters
While it is popular and accurate to blame our societal elites for being inept, the truth is that these leaders, both political and cultural, are reflections of us.
We will never water down our message to satisfy censors or maintain a particular platform; instead we will work around them.
While it is popular and accurate to blame our societal elites for being inept, the truth is that these leaders, both political and cultural, are reflections of us.
We will never water down our message to satisfy censors or maintain a particular platform; instead we will work around them.