The Case for Political Activism
Cliff Maloney presents at the Mises Institute's seminar at Loyola University New Orleans.
Cliff Maloney presents at the Mises Institute's seminar at Loyola University New Orleans.
Much of the resistance to libertarian anarchic proposals stems from a genuine inability on the part of one’s audience to entertain such proposals as serious alternatives to the status quo.
Bob Murphy Interviews George Mason University economist Donald Boudreaux.
Are we emphasizing “the negative”? In a sense, yes, but what else are we to stress when our values, our principles, our very being are under attack from a relentless foe?
In a large enough democracy, the impact of an individual vote is statistically zero on the margin.
Terrence Malick's new film about conscientious objector Franz Jägerstätter is a subtle film. But perhaps too much so, and we need to look deeper to understand why this one man so vehemently resisted the Nazi state at the cost of his own life.
Opposition to decentralization in government often arises out of fear. Most people have been indoctrinated into the idea that a large centralized state can better prevent bad things from happening.
Why both urban and rural regions should be self-governing: "As long as people with strong preferences are clustered conveniently into different jurisdictions, decentralization can, at least in theory, increase the number of people who are satisfied with government policy."
Bob Murphy interviews journalist and stand-up comic Lindsay Goldwert.