The Fed Offers “Bread,” but No Circuses
The truth is that you and I need goods and services to live, not electronically printed dollars.
The truth is that you and I need goods and services to live, not electronically printed dollars.
Real higher wages can't be created with a government fiat. Worker productivity must first be increased through greater investment.
Bureaucrats cannot conjure wealth from nothing. They only have what they extract from the private sector. Unfortunately, the bureaucrats are now starving the private sector of funding while making government budgets ever larger.
The federal government must accompany any loan forgiveness with a repeal of all programs for subsidizing and guaranteeing loans. Anything less would be a formula for socializing higher education.
The Greeks haven't saved or produced enough to justify their high standard of living compared to other countries of the world. This is a fragile bubble economy made possible by European central bankers.
With both major political parties seemingly uninterested in the long-term fiscal stability of the United States, the only near-term solution for the spendthrift class in Washington, DC, is to either raise taxes or spend recklessly.
For starters, let's have California secede and limit Bernie-style socialism to the new republic. If my predictions ended up being wrong and the state became a paradise, then the rest of the country could quickly follow suit.
Since politicians increasingly use tax law as a means of regulating American life, the IRS has become a supercharged regulatory organization that goes far beyond just collecting taxes.
In this article from 1950, Murray Rothbard suggests some of the less bad ways of financing military operations. Hint: monetary inflation and taxing savings and investment are among the worst.
Trump is spinning a narrative in which ever larger government budgets—and ever larger piles of deficit spending—create jobs and make America "safe."