Wojciech Kopczuk Explains Why Economists Have Such Different Estimates of Inequality in Wealth Concentration and Tax Payments
Bob Murphy interviews researcher and Columbia economics professor Wojciech Kopczuk.
Bob Murphy interviews researcher and Columbia economics professor Wojciech Kopczuk.
This immense cooperative system is known as a free-market economy. It was not consciously planned by anybody. It evolved.
Today's neoconservatives have found common cause with the Left in destroying those who disagree with them. In fact, this habit of denying a forum to any and all dissenters has a long tradition in the conservative movement.
Bob Murphy interviews Rob Bradley, the world's leading expert in energy economics in the Austrian tradition.
As the government continues to pile up trillion dollar deficits, when interest rates return to a historical norm, interest payments on the national debt may exceed payments to Social Security recipients.
Middle-income households and workers haven't been disappearing. They've been moving into higher income levels, while the lowest-income groups have been getting smaller. But another recession could erase many of the gains made over 20 years.
Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax is based on the idea that the government knows how to use wealth better than the private sector. The plan also ignores that the wealthy have been shown to flee countries with a wealth tax.
California is now the most taxed and regulated state in the nation. Not surprisingly, life here is becoming less affordable, and less profitable.
The destruction of capital, economic and otherwise, is contrary to every human impulse.