Oracle, Microsoft, & Truth
Ludwig von Mises wrote that the primary moral and professional obligation of an economist is to tell the truth.
Ludwig von Mises wrote that the primary moral and professional obligation of an economist is to tell the truth.
How to counter the attack on junk food? Not through tortured reasoning but with a forthright defense of consumer freedom.
Walter Block decries the replacement of these good-old terms with "Wetlands" and "Rainforests"
A kids' movie with great animation turns out to be a sneaky political parable in defense of social democracy.
Several new papers on Mises exhibit fundamental misunderstandings of key points of Mises's epistemology, starting with a paper by experimental economist Vernon Smith.
How statism pollutes our language in ways we don't always recognize. This is Walter Block's third essay in a great series on this topic.
The American founders struggled for liberty against grasping government officials. But the despotism of their day was nothing compared with our own.
Walter Block decries statists who distort the meaning of words, and also those who kowtow to their politically correct agenda.
In at least one area, the US economic expansion has left a trail of destruction in its wake: on it are members of the profession that pretends to forecast future economic conditions. Gene Epstein of Barron's, speaking at a Mises Institute conference, cited as an example the famous Wall Street Journal survey of economists, published on a regular basis. It represents ten years of solid failure.
We are so used to celebrating the glories of the democratic state, we often forget its limitations.