Origins of the Electoral College
The first presidents were appointed, not elected. Not until the rise of Andrew Jackson in the 1820s did popular voting have a role in the selection of presidents.
The first presidents were appointed, not elected. Not until the rise of Andrew Jackson in the 1820s did popular voting have a role in the selection of presidents.
Consumer sovereignty in the democracy of the market economy is supreme over every producer and over every worker from the clerk to the CEO. The consumer votes them all up or down.
Consider an essay by social theorist Alan Wolfe, in which purports to analyze America's excessively consumerist capitalist society.
Elections don't choose society's authentic leaders. Real leaders emerge from within the ranks of voluntary sector of society, says William Anderson.
The secret of the state's rise was the separation of the ruler from the organization, says Martin van Creveld, who also predicts the state's demise.
Robert Murphy unmasks another absurd assumption in a counterintuitive conclusion of mainstream economics.
The validity of Freud's theories seems at first sight far removed from the usual concerns of The Mises Review. In fact, it is not. Freud mounted a strong attack on morality and tradition.
Fetter saw "economics as essentially the study of value, and has viewed all economic phenomena as the concrete expression, under varied circumstances, of one uniform theory of value.
This speech was delivered before the annual convention of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, St. Louis, Missouri, October 26, 2000.
Paulina Borsook thinks the web breeds selfish geeks who don't care about others. Is she the Sinclair Lewis of our time?