Economic Causes of War
Under a system of private ownership, in which the government's only function is to protect property rights, it is immaterial where the frontiers of people's country are drawn.
Under a system of private ownership, in which the government's only function is to protect property rights, it is immaterial where the frontiers of people's country are drawn.
Only by repealing the Sixteenth Amendment can freedom from an interventionist government be restored to the American people.
A man's home used to be his castle, writes Adam Young. The income tax, however, gave the government the keys to every door and the sole right to change the locks.
The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a war crime worse than any that Japanese generals were executed for in Tokyo and Manila. If Harry Truman was not a war criminal, then no one ever was.
"Most of the advocates for tender laws are those who have debts to discharge, and who take refuge in such a law, to violate their contracts and cheat their creditors."
"Paine not only laid bare the roots of monarchy, but provided a brilliant insight into the nature and origins of the State itself."
"The commonly accepted theory that Fascism originated in the conspiracy of the great industrialists to capture the state will not hold. It originated on the Left."
Garrett wanted his government to mind its own business. This is because he wanted Americans to be able to mind their own business without being taxed, conscripted, or killed in other people's causes.
Lilburne's courageous campaigns for liberty resulted in his spending much of his life in prisons.
The fact that Social Security's generational highjacking is politically well established doesn't make it ethical. We send private Ponzi scheme organizers to prison for good reason.