Surging Wealth Inequality Is Poverty’s Greatest Enemy
The rich get rich by virtue of making what's dear rather cheap, thus helping the poor the most.
The rich get rich by virtue of making what's dear rather cheap, thus helping the poor the most.
Dollar stores are hardly the starvation-producing hellholes that the critics claim them to be. They serve their customer base well, but it is not a customer base of elite journalists and politicians.
This Christmas, countless workers will profit when others spend freely on "unnecessary" luxury goods.
When the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed, employers hired fewer disabled workers, because they feared lawsuits. We may now be seeing a similar trend in the face of more sexual harassment claims.
The Fed tells us that the Millennials are less wealthy and lower-income than others. But the Fed ignores its own role in stifling wealth growth among the young.
The Poor Law Amendment of 1834 attempted to address the problem of runaway costs and abuses of the system. With mixed results.
When the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed, employers hired fewer disabled workers, because they feared lawsuits. We may now be seeing a similar trend in the face of more sexual harassment claims.
Minor-league hockey players know what they're getting into when they sign their contracts. But now they want the government to overturn their contracts and force a pay raise.
Bob tackles Tucker Carlson's claim that Jeff Bezos is unloading his labor costs onto taxpayers.
Many public school teachers are earning far more than they would if they were exposed to market demand.