Nazism, Fascism, and Communism: Warring Sons to a Common Father
Conventional progressive wisdom says that Nazism and Fascism were polar opposites to Communism. Yet, all of these totalitarian worldviews came from the same collectivist origins.
Conventional progressive wisdom says that Nazism and Fascism were polar opposites to Communism. Yet, all of these totalitarian worldviews came from the same collectivist origins.
The Technocracy Movement was an offshoot of progressivism, and adherents believed that science and technology were the keys to creating a new Utopia. Not surprisingly, this “Utopia” was anti-individual freedom.
Modern progressives believe that one can only be loyal to one‘s nation by being loyal to the central government. Yet, American history shows that the “nation” is not the state but rather the community to which one belongs.
In his inaugural address, President Donald Trump promised a “revolution of common sense.” However, one area of US government policy that has lacked “common sense” for more than a century is how this government deals with other nations. It‘s time for a change.
Robert Paul Wolff, who recently died, understood that the state is incompatible with individual rights. While he faltered in his views on economics, he helped lay the groundwork for a reasoned and coherent opposition to state-sponsored power.
Libertarian philosophy is based upon the non-aggression principle, but a libertarian society also needs institutions to help carry out those principles, especially for those that are victims of aggression by others.
Modern historians often portray post-Civil War “Reconstruction” as a time when well-meaning Republicans tried to aid newly-freed slaves who were being oppressed by their former masters. Using revisionist history, Wanjiru Njoya comes up with different, more realistic, accounts.
The reason why wokeism is not constructive and solely destructive is because wokeism has no positive values.
In this week‘s Friday Philosophy, Dr. David Gordon looks at Allen Wood‘s attempts to salvage Marx‘s theory of exploitation. While Dr. Gordon acknowledges Allen‘s expertise in 19th-century philosophy, he notes that Allen truly misunderstands economics.
Ryan and 'Crisis' magazine editor-in-chief Eric Sammons examine how many Christians pay too little attention to the true costs of war. Ryan and Eric also discuss the importance of Just War Theory.