Want More Government Revenue? Just Write More Traffic Tickets.
Many police traffic stops are not about safety or protecting the public. They are about siphoning cash from motorists to state and local governments.
Many police traffic stops are not about safety or protecting the public. They are about siphoning cash from motorists to state and local governments.
Washington Post conservative George Will trots out every tired slogan and bromide in the book to claim that Putin is Hitler and the Ukraine war is a fight for civilization.
Great Britain are shifting back toward railway nationalization. Of course, the vaunted railway privatization of the 1990s wasn’t real privatization at all.
Why have some Americans opposed this nation’s involvement in foreign wars? According to Jacob Heilbrunn of The National Interest, it is because those Americans love bloody dictators like Adolph Hitler.
Ryan and Tho discuss Tucker Carlson's recent interview with Joe Rogan, and why he's right about America's dangerous "security" agencies.
Individual rights originated in Western thinking. Today, it is the West that produces the ruling class that disdains individual rights and replaces them with collectivism.
People often stubbornly hold to false beliefs, one of them being that government regulation of driving prevents chaos. However, the opposite seems to be true: government involvement in anything, including driving a car, creates the chaos we claim we want to avoid.
The New York Times recently characterized House Republicans that voted to extend government domestic spying and continue to fund wars in the Middle East and Ukraine as “the adults in the room.” This is ironic, as real adults would not spend the country into oblivion.
Two constitutional referenda were held in Ireland on the 8th of March to revise the wording of the constitution, to widen the definition of family
Great Britain are shifting back toward railway nationalization. Of course, the vaunted railway privatization of the 1990s wasn’t real privatization at all.