From Lockdowns to “The Great Reset”
The global "elites" of the World Economic Forum seek a "Great Reset" that will usher in a new and far more powerful technocracy defined by central planning and the end of freedom as we know it.
The global "elites" of the World Economic Forum seek a "Great Reset" that will usher in a new and far more powerful technocracy defined by central planning and the end of freedom as we know it.
Today's anticapitalists fall into a familiar pattern pioneered by Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile.
The global "elites" of the World Economic Forum seek a "Great Reset" that will usher in a new and far more powerful technocracy defined by central planning and the end of freedom as we know it.
Every economic system is a mixture of market action and state control. The Marxist strategy is to blame every ill caused by state intervention on capitalism.
Every economic system is a mixture of market action and state control. The Marxist strategy is to blame every ill caused by state intervention on capitalism.
Family policy has become an important area of state growth in recent years. In the past, various state interventions served to protect the family (tax privileges, child benefits, etc.), but today’s politics are almost exclusively harmful to the family.
Ultimately, the case for equality doesn’t amount to more than “You must believe in equality—because you must!”
Woodrow Wilson was an especially devoted white supremacist, even by the standard of his day. The Left is finally targeting Wilson for this, but Wilson's legacy is far worse than even the Left will admit.
Woodrow Wilson was an especially devoted white supremacist, even by the standard of his day. The Left is finally targeting Wilson for this, but Wilson's legacy is far worse than even the Left will admit.
If current political and economic trends continue, the 2020s will usher in a new period of drastically increased government activity and regulation of the economy.