Protectionism and Free Trade
Woodrow Wilson and the Tariff: Lessons for Today
Since the Tariff Act of 1789, the tariff has been the playground of special interests, and used as a means of rewarding political friends, and harming political enemies.
The New Tariff of Abominations?
Trump's new tariffs just happen to protect certain industries that are big political donors.
Trade Tariffs Won’t Crash the World Economy, Monetary Policy Will
Many people fail to correctly distinguish between the causes and effects of price inflation and those of monetary inflation.
Trump’s Two Biggest Trade Myths
Government stats on trade deficits tell only a tiny bit of the real story.
On Foreign Trade
Specialization and foreign trade are good things, even if one party to the transaction could produce everything better and cheaper than the other.
The Best Answer to Trump’s Tariffs: Free Trade
Neither the United States nor the European Union are so free of protectionist “sin” to cast retaliatory tariff stones at the other.
The Dangers of Trump’s G7 Trade Gamble
Trump has exposed the hypocrisy of the "free trade" advocates in China and Europe. But by raising tariffs, Trump and other world leaders are inviting disaster.