Nazism, Fascism, and Communism: Warring Sons to a Common Father
Conventional progressive wisdom says that Nazism and Fascism were polar opposites to Communism. Yet, all of these totalitarian worldviews came from the same collectivist origins.
Conventional progressive wisdom says that Nazism and Fascism were polar opposites to Communism. Yet, all of these totalitarian worldviews came from the same collectivist origins.
The religious left today claims that Jesus was a socialist who was against private property and any kind of economic arrangement that smacks of capitalism. An investigation into Jesus‘ teachings and actions overwhelmingly contradicts that notion.
Britain‘s new Labour Government is doing what leftist governments always do: raising taxes on everyone, but pretending that only the wealthiest citizens will pay more. Middle-class British farmers are quickly finding out that the taxman is coming for them too.
Like Santa, who gives free gifts to our children, people think of the state as providing services “for free.” However, the state cannot provide anything without first confiscating wealth from others—like the Grinch, who first stole all the presents in Whoville.
Modern Monetary Theory is a perfect example of, “Do as I say, not as you do,” rather than, “Do as I say, not as I do.” MMT rightly points out some hypocrisy, but wants to replace it with more hypocrisy.
PR’s current and past governance and economic struggles like Venezuela’s serve as a warning that socialism—in its many forms, and its attendant bankruptcy—is on the US mainland doorstep.
Third World economies rarely operate on trust, which inhibits capital development and other important ingredients for economic growth. Is that a case of personal morality or do the monetary systems play a role?
The Biden presidency is over and not a minute too soon. Biden‘s five decades of public life has always been one of a mediocre grifter, but he saved his worst for his four years in the White House, where he managed to combine incoherence and incompetence with a lust for power.
Governments of developing countries attempt to thrust their country into prosperity through various statist measures, but their efforts are doomed because they do not understand economics.
Marxism is seen by American and European intellectuals as being a sophisticated and legitimate set of theories that explains social problems in capitalist societies. Yet, the entire edifice of Marxism from “class conflict” to the Labor Theory of Value is nonsense.