Daniel McCarthy on the Libertarian and Conservative Divide
Daniel McCarthy joins Jeff to consider the state of modern conservatism, modern libertarianism, and whether they can or cannot find common ground.
Daniel McCarthy joins Jeff to consider the state of modern conservatism, modern libertarianism, and whether they can or cannot find common ground.
The people of the USSR rightly considered Gorbachev to be just another Communist Party hack. His "reforms" were only expedient measures designed to preserve communism.
"As long as pseudophilosophies retain their undeserved prestige, the average intellectual will go on blaming capitalism for all the disastrous effects of anticapitalist schemes and devices."
"All of Keynesian thinking is a tissue of distortions, fallacies, and drastically unrealistic assumptions."
Only by repealing the Sixteenth Amendment can freedom from an interventionist government be restored to the American people.
"The commonly accepted theory that Fascism originated in the conspiracy of the great industrialists to capture the state will not hold. It originated on the Left."
Good theory leads to better statistics and better predictions.