A Higher Minimum Wage Won’t Improve Life in Pennsylvania
Forcing the minimum wage above the real market wage causes more unemployment. Small businesses suffer from these mandates as do the least productive workers.
Forcing the minimum wage above the real market wage causes more unemployment. Small businesses suffer from these mandates as do the least productive workers.
In 1944, F.A. Hayek's best-selling book, The Road to Serfdom, warned the West that the "free" nations would lose their freedom as government expanded. He was right.
As family life descends into crisis in the USA, many conservatives call for state intervention to "fix" things. It's state intervention that created the problems in the first place.
The real effects of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima were hidden from Americans until the New Yorker published an exposé in 1946. Americans finally were confronted with the truth—even if they didn't want to believe it.
Professor Quinn Slobodian believes that free markets must lead to tyrannical worker exploitation, and socialism is the only solution. In truth, market competition is the answer.
President Biden announced recently to much fanfare that his administration will transform the US economy through central planning. This does not end well.
Modern American media has become so politicized that a once-venerable institution now cannot be trusted.
Some residents of St. Louis, fed up with the nonprotection from the city's police, have hired private security to deal with the problem. The egalitarian Left, of course, doesn't like that.
According to progressive elites, it is terrorism if consumers boycott businesses because of their leftist policies.
Progressives have distinguished themselves in the past half century by being against progress. That trend is unlikely to change.