The British NHS More Resembles a Statist Cult Than Advanced Healthcare
The seventy-fifth-anniversary celebration of the British National Health Service masked the real failures of this system, one that only can become worse over time.
The seventy-fifth-anniversary celebration of the British National Health Service masked the real failures of this system, one that only can become worse over time.
Murray Rothbard wrote that egalitarianism was a war against nature. Statism has become a war against reality.
The activists went from "We want to be left alone to live our lives" to "we want to control your lives too." Now the movement has state power on its side and bullies all opponents.
Modern socialism is as disastrous as the older state-planning model.
In 1944, F.A. Hayek's best-selling book, The Road to Serfdom, warned the West that the "free" nations would lose their freedom as government expanded. He was right.
Michael talks with Gad Saad about evolutionary psychology and the market, the mind parasites, and his new book.
In the Progressive Era (1897 to 1929) the American Medical Association made an effort to restrict the supply of doctors.
Forcing the minimum wage above the real market wage causes more unemployment. Small businesses suffer from these mandates as do the least productive workers.
Modern socialism is based upon state interference in normal human relationships, economic and otherwise. It is as disastrous as the older state-planning model.
According to progressive elites, it is terrorism if consumers boycott businesses because of their leftist policies.