“Social Justice” Is Neither Social nor Just
The great Thomas Sowell takes on the social justice industry. As usual, he makes excellent points even if, as David Gordon notes, logic deems we go even further.
The great Thomas Sowell takes on the social justice industry. As usual, he makes excellent points even if, as David Gordon notes, logic deems we go even further.
The recent executive order by New Mexico's governor suspending gun rights in part of the state demonstrates not only her ignorance of the law, but also her greater ignorance of the origin of rights.
As family life descends into crisis in the USA, many conservatives call for state intervention to "fix" things. It's state intervention that created the problems in the first place.
Because California’s government has hamstrung electricity producers in the state, its legislature now wants EVs to be “bidirectional,” that is, to put power from their batteries back into the grid.
The real effects of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima were hidden from Americans until the New Yorker published an exposé in 1946. Americans finally were confronted with the truth—even if they didn't want to believe it.
Marxists and leftist progressives have falsely tried to label anything associated with capitalism and free markets as "fascism." The same goes for political decentralization.
More than forty years ago, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn urged his fellow Russians “not to live by lies.” In our politicized age, his words ring truer than ever.
Modern American media has become so politicized that a once-venerable institution now cannot be trusted.
The Nigerian government should have seen the economic disaster the eNaira would cause. They didn’t, and chaos and rioting followed.
The covid restriction machinery is being ramped up in time for fall, despite the fact that covid poses little danger.