Leviathan Is on the Menu
The State of California is trying to create workers councils that will set labor policies for fast food restaurants. This will not end well.
The State of California is trying to create workers councils that will set labor policies for fast food restaurants. This will not end well.
Crime is increasing in American cities, but don't count on police to protect you.
Rent seeking is a popular term used in economics to describe the behavior of firms trying to gain something from the government. Time to expand the definition.
The government's latest "weapon" against carbon dioxide emissions is a pipeline that will carry the emissions across states and deep underground. In other words, another Washington boondoggle.
Patrick Deneen not only misunderstands John Stuart Mill, but he also misunderstands libertarians, claiming they are elitists who believe the world should be ruled by experts.
The State of California, unable to unionize fast food workers, now is trying to create workers councils that will set labor policies for fast food restaurants. This will not end well.
In today's progressive climate, sexual assault charges are easy to make and hard to refute, even when they are demonstrably false.
Political leaders of the so-called liberal Western regimes are engaging in authoritarian tactics to quell legitimate dissent. But leftists who riot and burn get a free pass.
Much of critical race theory and “antiracism” is aimed at pulling people apart, not bringing them together. To oppose such theories and practices is not racist in itself.
It's fitting that the G7 recently met in Hiroshima because the policies they are following are blowing up the world economy.