James Madison’s Failed Conquest of Canada
Following the Louisiana Purchase, the Madison administration sets its eyes on American expansion.
Following the Louisiana Purchase, the Madison administration sets its eyes on American expansion.
After many months of covid stimulus, there's a bonanza in US pandemic profits. But unlike price inflation, these profits really are likely to be transitory.
Trust in the US military has plummeted according to a recent survey, and conservative Americans may finally realize that the military is just a wing of the woke, progressive American establishment.
The true cost of America's wars—in lost productivity, resources, and opportunity cost—is far higher than even the official numbers of trillions spent on the Pentagon's many failures.
It was his melancholy good fortune to come upon the scene when the world went in for arms on an unprecedented scale and it was he who, more than any other man, developed the international market for arms.
The US and NATO must do as little as possible to contribute to the conflict in Ukraine. This especially includes continuing to arm Ukraine and insisting that it has a future in NATO.
The antiwar movement had been comatose for five years, ever since Obama ascended into the White House. But the potential of a new war in Syria revived moribund activists.
The more the EU micromanages Polish internal affairs and punishes Poland for the simple act of exercising self-determination, more the benefits of leaving the bloc altogether will continue to increase.
The Revolution had a radical libertarian impact on American society: in abolishing feudal land tenure, in establishing religious freedom, and in beginning the process of the abolition of slavery.