The Fallacy of the “Public Sector”
As the Trump administration cuts thousands of federal jobs, it‘s good to remember that the public sector‘s “services” provide no actual net value to the “national product.”
As the Trump administration cuts thousands of federal jobs, it‘s good to remember that the public sector‘s “services” provide no actual net value to the “national product.”
The child-like obsession with buying stuff that American society is often criticized for around Christmas is a sought-after result of our government’s monetary policy.
Imagination is a key aspect of abstract thinking and economics. However, many fallaciously assume that one‘s failure to imagine how something would work on a free market necessitates state provision. This is an unjustified leap in logic.
There is always the choice between the market principle and the hegemonic principle. There is no third way or middle ground between the two, often presented as a “mixed economy.”
A new study at UC Berkeley claims that California‘s new $20 minimum wage has had no adverse economic effects. If only that were true.
The world is awash in debt bubbles, but politicians continue to spend, which requires even more central bank intervention—and more bubbles. Max Rangeley has edited The Age of Debt Bubbles, which details the dangers we face and how to stop the current madness.
Antitrust law is being touted as an answer to our inflationary economy. Unfortunately, as Austrians have noted, antitrust law does nothing to bolster competition and actually makes the economy less competitive.
Ireland is suffering from the same kind of housing crisis that has hurt the US. Not surprisingly, the crises in both countries have their roots in government intervention undertaken ostensibly to make housing more affordable.
Böhm-Bawerk shows us that the study of human action and the economy in general goes beyond the simple paradigm of the financial and monetary world. Economics is built into all human experience.
The child-like obsession with buying stuff that American society is often criticized for around Christmas is a sought-after result of our government’s monetary policy.