The Decline of the Old Right
In the 1950s, young libertarians coming into the ranks were increasingly infected with the Cold War mentality. They were converted to militarism instead of laissez-faire.
In the 1950s, young libertarians coming into the ranks were increasingly infected with the Cold War mentality. They were converted to militarism instead of laissez-faire.
Libertarians must form and maintain organizations not only to promote their broad principles but to promote these principles in special fields.
An advisor of Richard Nixon and a friend of most Administration economists, Friedman has, in fact, served the regime as a sort of leading unofficial apologist for Nixonite policy.
The misuse of science occurs when the scientist—who is competent in a special field—seeks to use his status to influence fields where he is not competent.
Out of false theories of employment, money, and interest, Keynes has distilled a fantastically wrong theory of capitalism and of a socialist paradise erected out of paper money.
Throughout history groups of men calling themselves 'the government' have attempted to gain a compulsory monopoly of the commanding heights of the economy and society.
I submit that the naïfs who stubbornly refuse to examine the interplay of political and economic interest in government are tossing away an essential tool for analyzing the world in which we live.
The laws of economics are not suspended by bureaucrats' political interference, and prices do not respond to their dictates. Rather, economic chaos results.
Rather than look to the state to transform flawed creatures into saints, we should strive to take human beings as they are and direct their energies into productive outlets rather than antisocial outlets.
Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom.