The Fed Has Its Eyes on Stablecoin
With Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) banned by executive order, the Fed may have more incentive to explore alternatives in the cryptocurrency market.
With Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) banned by executive order, the Fed may have more incentive to explore alternatives in the cryptocurrency market.
Government-sponsored currency means one does not own one‘s money. Cryptocurrency, however, is privately owned, which is a threat to government's money monopoly, potentially creating monetary property rights.
Ryan McMaken and economist Per Bylund discuss the nature of money in our paper-money world. Are Bitcoin and gold money? If not, how do they become money?
Bitcoin is many things to people and it certainly has developed into a valuable asset. It also has been used as a medium of exchange. But is it money? According to Austrian economics, the answer is “no.” At least not yet.
Bitcoin is many things to people and it certainly has developed into a valuable asset. It also has been used as a medium of exchange. But is it money? According to Austrian economics, the answer is “no.” At least not yet.
While most of us are familiar with Gresham‘s Law, we should remember that it does not mean that bad money is preferred to good money. Instead, it refers to a situation in which government mandates that inferior and superior money legally have the same face value.
More Republicans support ending the Fed than ever before, while the bitcoin industry has made major investments in Trump's re-election. What could this mean going forward?
While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can boggle the mind with their complex relationships, nonetheless, we are witnessing the development of a parallel economy that has sprung up in the wake of harmful government intervention.
While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can boggle the mind with their complex relationships, nonetheless, we are witnessing the development of a parallel economy that has sprung up in the wake of harmful government intervention.
Elites portray CBDC currency as a helpful high-tech alternative to cash and current electronic money. But CBDCs are really little more than a tool for total state control of the economy.