And So It Begins: Digital Currency Becomes Possible in Our Future
While monetary authorities and progressives would like to have a digital currency implemented, it is a backward step for monetary freedom.
While monetary authorities and progressives would like to have a digital currency implemented, it is a backward step for monetary freedom.
John Maynard Keynes derided gold-based money as a "barbarous relic," yet it was gold that enabled a long regime of honest money -- and the advance of civilization.
Only Father Time helps us cut through the policy nonsense and understand interest rates conceptually.
While monetary authorities and progressives would like to have a digital currency implemented, it is a backward step for monetary freedom.
Keynesians believe that economic growth can occur only with an expanding supply of money. Growth doesn't need more money; it needs more savings.
John Maynard Keynes derided gold-based money as a "barbarous relic," yet it was gold that enabled a long regime of honest money -- and the advance of civilization.
Ending the string of economic crises that have occurred the past two decades will happen only when economies can depend upon sound money.
Ending the string of economic crises that have occurred the past two decades will happen only when economies can depend upon sound money.
The author recalls the 1922 peace dollar his grandfather gave him sixty years ago. Real money.
The author recalls the 1922 peace dollar his grandfather gave him sixty years ago. Real money.