Central Bankers Gone Wild: It’s a New Era at the Fed
When people are scared they let the authorities get away with all sorts of nonsense. We're seeing this with the Federal Reserve right now.
When people are scared they let the authorities get away with all sorts of nonsense. We're seeing this with the Federal Reserve right now.
A high German court recently ruled that the European Central Bank has overstepped the bounds of its power. The angry response from high-ranking European bureaucrats tells us a lot about what they want for the EU.
A high German court recently ruled that the European Central Bank has overstepped the bounds of its power. The angry response from high-ranking European bureaucrats tells us a lot about what they want for the EU.
There's now no difference between monetary policy and other government programs designed to prop up firms, industries, and other favored groups. The Fed is simply another government planning agency.
There's now no difference between monetary policy and other government programs designed to prop up firms, industries, and other favored groups. The Fed is simply another government planning agency.
Price inflation is so difficult to predict, because there are so many moving parts: money supply, demand, money velocity, and supply of goods and services.
The Fed and other central banks are entering into a huge money-printing experiment in hopes of keeping the government-spending machine going at full speed forever. The unintended consequences will be highly destructive.
Now, more than ever, we're in uncharted waters when it comes to central banks and monetary policy. Economist Brendan Brown takes a look at where we are and what the future might hold for central banks' race to the bottom.
Sieroń comments on Book and Sumner regarding the Cantillon effect, arguing that the Austrian analysis of the Cantillon effect is correct.
Central banks have decided that one of their main missions is to prevent deflation. But this only ends up causing the malinvestments that lead to economic busts.