Fear is the mind killer: America’s dangerous obsession with ‘safety’
Commonsense safety measures are being replaced in our working culture by an impossible “no risk” standard. A culture of “can do” is replaced by the culture of fear.
Commonsense safety measures are being replaced in our working culture by an impossible “no risk” standard. A culture of “can do” is replaced by the culture of fear.
Progressives promote civil rights viewpoints as being “good for the whole” of society. Yet most of the modern civil rights movements and accompanying legislation simply promote the "good" of one group at the expense of others.
Whether it is their shocking turn on supporting President Biden’s candidacy or covering the shooting of Donald Trump, the American mainstream news media is more concerned with preserving progressive narratives than telling the truth.
What began as supposedly a free trade union has been turning into an authoritarian, interventionist nightmare. A recent speech by a top European Union commissioner shows the sad direction the EU is heading.
A common complaint is that the 1964 Civil Rights Act started in the “right direction,” valuing so-called equality of opportunity, but then went off the rails with “equality of result.” In truth, the act cannot be reconciled with a libertarian society.
For all of his freedom-loving rhetoric, it is clear that Woodrow Wilson was one of the most antifreedom presidents in U.S. history.
The Biden administration’s immigration “policy” is not simply bad governance. It is insane governance.
People joke about doctors thinking of themselves as God, but over a century of government control of medical care, the distance between physicians and those they serve has become increasingly large.
By separating the producer-consumer relationship that is applied to private goods and services, government regulations and "oversight" has transformed higher education for the worst. It's time to restore that proper relationship.
Less than a century ago, the Democrats would have been able to legally remove a candidate in crisis and replace him with someone who would give the party a fighting chance in the presidential election.