Murray Rothbard versus the Progressives
When communism fell with the USSR, Murray Rothbard realized that the greater threat to liberty was social democracy. Events of the past few years have proven him correct.
When communism fell with the USSR, Murray Rothbard realized that the greater threat to liberty was social democracy. Events of the past few years have proven him correct.
Progressives like Robert Reich now claim that there is no inflation, just businesses arbitrarily raising prices so they can increase profits. Such claims do not pass the test of economic logic.
As inflation advances and the economy slowly implodes, we also learn valuable lessons.
Although the Left controls most of government and has corrupted most of our institutions, there are ways to fight back.
Progressives like Robert Reich now claim that there is no inflation, just businesses arbitrarily raising prices so they can increase profits. Such claims do not pass the test of economic logic.
College faculties historically have leaned left-of-center, but today, a rigid progressive ideology is enforced not only by faculty, but also by higher education administrations.
Progressives claim that while they might acknowledge the presence of scarcity, nonetheless, we can reject a "scarcity mindset" because governments can order an end to scarcity through fiat.
College faculties historically have leaned left-of-center, but today, a rigid progressive ideology is enforced not only by faculty, but also by higher education administrations.
Being right is not enough. Economics must appeal both to truth and beauty, which are inescapably linked.
Virtue-signaling politicians in New Jersey have banned single-use plastic bags, claiming to "help the environment." They need to read Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson instead.