Clausewitz, the UN Charter, and a Libertarian View on War
Modern warfare is a product of the state, which engages in violence at home and abroad. Peace is possible, but only when the state loses power.
Modern warfare is a product of the state, which engages in violence at home and abroad. Peace is possible, but only when the state loses power.
As the economy moves into recession, government and Fed officials will increase intervention. If they want an economic recovery, the best course is to permit free markets to work.
While Elon Musk says he will bring free speech back to Twitter, the forces of statism will not be still. The jury is out on how successful Musk's experiment will be.
As inflation advances and the economy slowly implodes, we also learn valuable lessons.
As the inevitable economic downturn becomes more evident, the Fed will attempt to stop deflation. But what this economy needs is a good dose of it.
While much attention has been directed toward Ben Bernanke's Nobel, the banking theories of Nobel winners Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig also need a second look.
While Andrew Koppelman has made a good faith effort to understand and portray libertarianism, he makes some serious errors regarding Rothbardian thought. David Gordon helps to set him straight.
Although the Left controls most of government and has corrupted most of our institutions, there are ways to fight back.
Florida's government promotes a "shared adversity" plan in which individuals and organizations have distant environmental problems imposed upon them.
Government economists "seasonally adjust" data in order to better respond with policy recommendations to deal with business cycles. The problem is that government causes the cycles.