Homeschoolers Don’t Need Government Regulation
Government schooling advocates are demanding that homeschoolers be regulated by public school authorities. Perhaps homeschooling advocates should be monitoring the government.
Government schooling advocates are demanding that homeschoolers be regulated by public school authorities. Perhaps homeschooling advocates should be monitoring the government.
Political and academic elites have successfully convinced the public that they should fear private enterprise. However, people really should fear an out-of-control government.
Contrary to popular belief, regulatory agencies do not improve the quality of our lives, nor do they provide safety or security. They need to be abolished, as free markets provide their own effective forms of regulation.
Ensuring private property rights was essential for the development of the capitalist economy in the Western world.
The mentality of Build Back Better is not just confined to the US. Around the world, governments are resorting to the ancient tradition of using massive amounts of resources to build things that glorify the state, not add to the economy.
Politicians will invoke the venerable just war theory when they believe they can manipulate the facts in their favor. In truth, it is the rare government that engages in a justified conflict.
Contrary to popular belief, regulatory agencies do not improve the quality of our lives, nor do they provide safety or security. They need to be abolished, as free markets provide their own effective forms of regulation.
Government intervention is everywhere, but it is most evident in education.
For most Americans, the debate is about what size the welfare state should be. But why is there a welfare state at all?
The decades of American and European intervention in Africa are coming to an end, and things are even worse for American interests there. Perhaps overthrowing governments and trying to dictate political outcomes wasn’t a good idea.