They Didn’t Listen: The Reality of Hayek’s Bestseller
In 1944, F.A. Hayek's best-selling book, The Road to Serfdom, warned the West that the "free" nations would lose their freedom as government expanded. He was right.
In 1944, F.A. Hayek's best-selling book, The Road to Serfdom, warned the West that the "free" nations would lose their freedom as government expanded. He was right.
The East German secret police, the Stasi, developed the art of mass surveillance using pre-digital methods. Modern tech now makes the job a lot easier.
George Gammon warns that the Fed won't have to force the public to adopt a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Instead, the public might clamor for it.
Dr. Calton discusses his work on the Mises Wire about higher education, the government capture of student loans, and what can be done to salvage higher education in America.
Kamala Harris recently declared that we need to "reduce population." While the White House quickly claimed she misspoke, progressives have given enough near-religious devotion to neo-Mathusianism to convince some of us that Harris meant what she said.
One of the biggest problems of Biden's neo-Keynesian approach to government budgets is that it leaves households with less money in real terms and the “anti-inflation” measures increase debt and inflation.
The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation supposedly protects people from government data abuse. In reality, it empowers governments.
Before there was Thomas Jefferson, there was Wilhelm von Humboldt, who saw the importance of guarding against the encroachment of state power.
As Americans prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July, they would do well to remember that those who fought for independence would not support the Leviathan state that the USA has become.