“National Greatness” Is Not the Appropriate Response to “Wokeism”
Many conservatives, in trying to steer the USA away from "wokeism," fail to understand that their “national greatness” schemes are just as harmful.
Many conservatives, in trying to steer the USA away from "wokeism," fail to understand that their “national greatness” schemes are just as harmful.
For the past fifty years, the US has not had a military draft. Unfortunately, the end of conscription did not mean US military interventions abroad ended.
In their war against free speech, progressive governments are now denying dissidents use of the banking system.
To progressive elites, the state (at least one run by progressives) is omniscient and all-powerful. To anyone with understanding, the state is an entity usually run by gangsters.
Murray Rothbard wrote that egalitarianism was a war against nature. Statism has become a war against reality.
The Biden administration is unleashing the USDA on small farmers, attempting to regulate them out of business. This is done to protect not the public's health, but politically connected agriculture interests.
After governments create crises, they use those crises to seize new powers. After the crisis subsides, governments give up some, but not all, of their new authority, which we call the ratchet effect.
In 1944, F.A. Hayek's best-selling book, The Road to Serfdom, warned the West that the "free" nations would lose their freedom as government expanded. He was right.
The East German secret police, the Stasi, developed the art of mass surveillance using pre-digital methods. Modern tech now makes the job a lot easier.