Is Amazon a Union-Busting Leviathan?
Amazon faces endless criticism—some fair, some absurd. Is it really an anti-worker behemoth, or is the union fight just another sign of its success? Mark Thornton breaks it down.
Amazon faces endless criticism—some fair, some absurd. Is it really an anti-worker behemoth, or is the union fight just another sign of its success? Mark Thornton breaks it down.
Mainstream economists and the media “warn” us about the dangers of “income inequality.” But is income inequality really an economic and social problem, or is this yet one more false crisis ginned up by intellectual and governing elites?
PR’s current and past governance and economic struggles like Venezuela’s serve as a warning that socialism—in its many forms, and its attendant bankruptcy—is on the US mainland doorstep.
Given these realities of state power and economic intervention, the only reasonable position for those who cherish freedom and prosperity is the radical one: a pure market economy.
Making it harder to do business with Americans is not the way to help domestic workers, small businesses, and everyone else in middle America who has been getting ripped off under our current political system.
The recent back-and-forth on banning TikTok because it‘s said to be a “Chinese company” risks the US ironically becoming even more like China.
Those carrying out government directives are even less bound by law than they were a few years ago, and talk about new bureaucrats is beginning to resemble the Kremlinology of the Cold War.
Democracy is the watchword with the ruling classes, yet a democratic political system does not protect individual freedoms. Indeed, democracy often has become the main road to socialism. It‘s time for some honest discussion.
Some legal “experts” are claiming that the Supreme Court‘s infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision is still used in current law. That, of course, is nonsense. In fact, soon after its passage, many northern states essentially nullified “Scott” at the state level.
Mark Thornton explores the continuing negative impacts of the ongoing US embargo against Cuba and how getting rid of this Cold War policy could benefit the peoples of Cuba, the US, and others. Viva Cuba Libre!