Rent Control Is Terrible: So Keep it Local
Some states have proposed overturning laws that ban local governments from using housing policies like rent control. Rent control is terrible, but there's no reason to believe state governments ought to dictate housing policy to local governments.
Small Businesses Are Key In Improving the Lives of Workers
Small businesses are essential in providing employment for workers who might otherwise be locked out of the mainstream economy. Small firms also drive large firms to compete for workers, thus driving up wages.
The Problem with “Reparations”
Reparations to heirs of slaves make sense so long as the actually guilty parties are the ones paying. Short of that, the policy being discussed has nothing to do with reparations. It's just a wealth redistribution scheme.
Surging Wealth Inequality Is Poverty’s Greatest Enemy
The rich get rich by virtue of making what's dear rather cheap, thus helping the poor the most.
The Cure for Poverty
No, Dollar Stores Don’t Create Poverty
Dollar stores are hardly the starvation-producing hellholes that the critics claim them to be. They serve their customer base well, but it is not a customer base of elite journalists and politicians.
“Equality of Opportunity” Is Overrated
While efforts to mandate "equality of outcome" are rightly derided, "equality of opportunity" is wrongly held up as essential. But even when we face unequal opportunities, the marketplace can still make us all better off.
The Poor Laws of England
The Poor Law Amendment of 1834 attempted to address the problem of runaway costs and abuses of the system. With mixed results.
3 Problems with How the Media Looks at Inequality
The public debate of inequality is a muddle of bad assumptions and a disregard for how global poverty has plummeted — thanks to markets — in recent decades.