Equality Requires State Violence
Although equality and "equity" are modern buzzwords, the only way to reach such a social nirvana is through violent means. Do we really want to go there?
Although equality and "equity" are modern buzzwords, the only way to reach such a social nirvana is through violent means. Do we really want to go there?
What does a young man just out of high school face in our woke, politicized society?
Despite all of the supposed safeguards to prevent bank failures, banks still fail. Perhaps the so-called safeguards are causing much of the trouble.
We are hearing calls both from right and left for an amicable national divorce. In truth, the states were never "hitched" in the first place, at least not by any plausible definition of marriage.
Adherents of leftist dogma increasingly push the notion that teachers should be permitted to distract, confuse, or influence their students by discussing their personal beliefs, ideas, and private activities and choices in the classroom.
Perhaps the most pernicious Keynesian myth is that a market economy needs wars in order to keep full employment. Wars don't stimulate the economy; they depress it.
The newest farm bill in Congress picks the pockets of both consumers and taxpayers. It has been that way for a century, and there is no prospect of change, at least for now.
Sen. Lindsey Graham recently called for US military intervention in Mexico to fight the drug cartels. Someone needs to remind him that Mexico is a sovereign country.
Most Western historians claim that World War I came about because of aggression from Germany and Austria-Hungary. However, Great Britain and its ANZAC allies were not innocent bystanders.
While progressive lawmakers blame the current banking crisis on regulatory issues, the Fed's easy money policies have been the real problem.