Free Speech and Legislative Bans on DEI
The TSA's record for incompetence is astounding, even for a government agency. Any complaints, as this article shows, will be seen as subversion.
The TSA's record for incompetence is astounding, even for a government agency. Any complaints, as this article shows, will be seen as subversion.
Contrary to myths of “Fed independence,” the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department work closely together to keep monetary inflation going nonstop.
Our government officials are willing to use disinformation, not only against foreign regimes, but against Americans themselves.
As our government officials crack down on what they call "foreign disinformation," allegedly meant to influence the 2024 election, it’s worth remembering that they, too, are willing to use disinformation, not only against foreign regimes, but against Americans themselves.
The US Armed Forces expand their footprints in the Indian Ocean, not to defend this country, but to expand military power. The Diego Garcia base has left a trail of ruined lives for those forced off their land to make room for yet another military base.
Ryan and Tho talk about Zuckerberg's recent letter from Congress, Elon Musk's showdown in Brazil, and the growing global hostility from governments towards free speech.
Harris’ economic plan is not aiming to reduce inflation but to perpetuate it. Indeed, this economic policy mirrors Argentina’s 21st-century socialism, and it threatens the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency.
Despite opposition from government at every turn, homeschooling has developed into an industry with astounding resources and high-quality results. Contrast the individual educational tailoring of homeschooling versus the government's version of individual care: the IEP label.
Contrary to myths of “Fed independence,” the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department work closely together to keep monetary inflation going nonstop.
The flurry of post-Watergate “reforms” supposedly were passed to counteract government abuse of citizens. Not surprisingly, the FISA program, which was aimed at reducing internal government spying became the means of massive growth of the surveillance state.