Switzerland Still Cherishes its Traditional Neutrality
Switzerland has been a neutral country for about five hundred years. Sweden also has a tradition of neutrality, but it has recently changed its position, to its own detriment.
Switzerland has been a neutral country for about five hundred years. Sweden also has a tradition of neutrality, but it has recently changed its position, to its own detriment.
While her record is hardly perfect, Judy Shelton has been a rarity among monetary economists: an advocate for gold and sound money.
Socialists pride themselves on their supposed good intentions even as they fashion policies that create havoc and harm the people socialists claim to be helping. Ludwig von Mises called it destructionism.
Politicians will invoke the venerable just war theory when they believe they can manipulate the facts in their favor. In truth, it is the rare government that engages in a justified conflict.
Ryan and Tho are joined by Mises Institute Senior Editor Bill Anderson to discuss Donald Trump's conviction.
The Tennessee Board of Regents for higher education is finding that their DEI efforts are not successful, and the Tennessee legislature has become skeptical. It might be better to scrap the DEI collectivist “solutions” altogether.
The case against Donald Trump was utterly ridiculous. Yet he was convicted anyway. Opponents of the political establishment need to understand why.
Asset forfeiture is another term for state-sponsored theft. Reform of this pernicious policy is almost impossible because of the incentives set up by governments at all levels.
In 1972, members of the newly created Libertarian Party wanted Murray Rothbard to be their candidate in the coming presidential run.
It has become painfully obvious that we will not reverse the current march toward statism by “electing the right people.” Violent revolution is not the answer either. We need to change the Western mindset—before it is too late.