Are You an Enemy of the State? Most Likely.
If you are libertarian and you question the latest government predations, you, too, are probably considered to be an enemy of the state.
If you are libertarian and you question the latest government predations, you, too, are probably considered to be an enemy of the state.
As both progressives and conservatives turn authoritarian, libertarian populism inspired by Murray Rothbard provides an alternative to the statist nonsense that dominates political discourse.
The response to the covid-19 outbreak is better understood as a tool of the national security state rather than as a public health measure.
While Western attention is on the Israel-Hamas conflict, war quietly rages in Yemen with predictable destruction. Not surprisingly, US interventionism is fueling this fight.
In the post-Civil War South during Reconstruction, federal troops attempted to impose their will in part by pitting recently-freed slaves against southern whites. The outcome was obvious, leading to more than a century of violent racial clashes, all the while strengthening federal power.
The US went to war 83 years ago today with Japan‘s attack on Pearl Harbor. It ended with Japan‘s surrender after US bombers dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The myth lives on to this day that the bombs ended the war prematurely, saving millions of lives.
President Joe Biden is promoting his “AI Bill of Rights,” which looks to be an attempt to censor political opposition. Naturally, political and media elites are enthusiastically endorsing it.
Claudine Gay's unceremonious exit from the Harvard University presidency ultimately was not due to her plagiarism issues, but rather because of her disastrous appearance at a congressional hearing on Israel and Hamas.
Many cities and states in this country have been tearing down or destroying monuments because they represent part of a past that progressives and leftists believe should not have existed. Yet each time we tear down something, we potentially lose part of an important heritage.